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LEARN HOW TO: Add More Widgets to Above Content and Under Post Areas

To make installation of our Blogger templates cleaner and less confusing, we have locked down the number of widgets allowed in certain widget areas.

This prevents Blogger from "dumping" existing sidebar widgets in areas like the Above Content and Under Posts widget areas which results in a very ugly display after installation and having to often move many widgets over into the sidebar manually.
If you want to use the Above Content or Under Posts widget areas, you will need to "unlock" them by editing the template code.
Watch the video or see the written directions below. 
Unlock Above Content Widget Area
  1. Log into your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Go to the Theme page.
  3. Click the gray Edit HTML button.
  4. The template code editor view will open.
  5. Click anywhere in the code window.
  6. Press the [Control + F] or [Command + F] keys to open the Search box.
  7. The Search box opens in the top right corner of the code window.
  8. Search for: class='above-content' id='above-content'
  9. Hit Enter to start search. 
  10. You will see this code:
  11. Change maxwidgets='0' to maxwidgets='1' to add 1 widget. For more widgets, increase the number to 2, 3, 4, etc.
  12. Click the orange Save template button at the top of the code editor.
  13. Go back to the Layout page and refresh your browser.
  14. You will now be able to add widgets to this section.

Unlock Under Posts Widget Area
  1. Log into your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Go to the Theme page.
  3. Click the gray Edit HTML button.
  4. The theme code editor view will open.
  5. Click anywhere in the code window.
  6. Press the [Control + F] or [Command + F] keys to open the Search box.
  7. The Search box opens in the top right corner of the code window.
  8. Search for: class='under-posts' id='under-posts'
  9. Hit Enter to start search. 
  10. You will see this code:
  11. Change maxwidgets='0' to maxwidgets='1' to add 1 widget. For more widgets, increase the number to 2, 3, 4, etc.
  12. Click the orange Save template button at the top of the code editor.
  13. Go back to the Layout page and refresh your browser.
  14. You will now be able to add widgets to this section.

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