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Short Course On Computer Applications At CIVE-UDOM 30TH OCTOBER 2016


College of Informatics and Virtual Education (CIVE)
Short Course On
Computer Applications Under
Microsoft Digital Literacy Curriculum
Starting Date: 31st October 2016
1.1 Course objectives and outcomes
The broad objective of this training is to equip students with practical skills on how to use computer to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in their day to day academic activities; and hence, add comfort and reliability to whatever they do. Specifically this course intends to:-
  1. Equip participants with skills on how to use computer to perform various personal and academic activities;
  2. Help participants on how to prepare documents using Microsoft Office Word and   create enhanced presentations using Microsoft Power Point application;
  3. Equip participants with skills on how to use Internet and search engines, creating e-mails  and the efficient use  social media such as Twitter and Facebook;
  4. Equip participants with skills on how to protect personal computer, information and/or data from various kinds of computer crimes such as viruses, worms, unauthorized access, etc.
1.2 Outcomes 
At the end of this training, participants will have knowledge and skills on the following aspects:-
  1. How to use computer for doing most common personal, academic and office activities;
  2. How to connect  and use different types of computer peripherals such as printers, scanner, keyboard, digital camera, mobile phones, etc;
  3. Design, prepare and print different types of documents such as reports, memos, presentation, etc;
  4. How to efficiently use Internet, send and receive e-mails, search learning materials from the web; etc.
  5. Understanding means to protect own computer, information or data from online attacks.
2.0 Course Modules, Fees and Sessions
The course Fees, Modules and Sessions are summarized in Table 1.
Course ModulesAvailable Sessions and Time
1.           Introduction to ComputerSession A:Monday/Wednesday/Friday
2.           Ms WordTime: 16.00-20.00 Hrs
3.           Ms Power PointSession B:Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
4.           Internet and E-mailTime: 16.00-20.00 Hrs
5.           Computer Security and PrivacyTraining FeeTZS  60,000/=
Table 1
3.0 Methodology
The training outcomes will be achieved through teaching, practical sessions and assigned practical works.
4.0 Target Participants
This course is intended for UDOM students.
5.0 Registration process
Anyone who wants to join the course is requested to confirm his/her participation any time before the commencement of the course by contacting the Coordinator using the following phone numbers: +255756 550 526 or +255 713 307530.Later all payments will be done through bank account using the following details:
Account Number: 01J 108 377 9600, Account Name: UDOM Informatics & Virtual, CRDB Bank.
Full Registration will be done after bringing with you the Original Payment Receipt to us at College of Informatics and Virtual Education, Main Administration Block.
6.0 Course Venues and Duration
The course duration is three weeks, starting from 31st October 2016 to  19th November 2016. The course will be conducted in two sessions: “”A” and “B” at CIVE Old Computer Lab Building.
7.0 Awards
At the end of training session, all successful participants will be awarded the Certificate of Attendance of the University of Dodoma.
8.0 Contacts
For more information about the course please contact with:
The Coordinator,
College of Informatics and Virtual Education Consultancy and Professional Services Bureau,
The University of Dodoma,
P.O. Box 490, Dodoma,
Mobile: 0756 550, 526, 0756, 669 175, 0713 307530.

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